Friday, February 13, 2015

Has “the future” started, indeed?
-reviewing the video clip <The Future Starts Now- 2012 edition (4:40)>

This video clip made me think about using ICT in my future classroom. We have so many cool gadgets nowadays, like iPads, Smartphones etc. The use of these gadgets is abbreviated ICT, which means information and communication in technology. Many people believe that children can learn much better through ICT, but many local authorities struggle to provide our students with these tools. The problem is not that hardware because schools are full of it. The real problem is how to use ICT smartly to improve learning.

In Norwegians’ perspectives, after the oil, people will live off Knowledge. This means that more of use will have to get a good education. If we agree to society benefits from improved learning, how do we reach this goal? Back to gadgets, it would be smart to take advantage of using ICT. Computers can teach us to learn things in different ways and they also make learning advanced concepts easier if that's what you want. For example, instead of reading about DNA molecules and cramming in facts you can't really understand. Then we can visualize, simulate and animate them using ICT. All the information all over the world can be learned at our finger tips.

ICT is a part of curriculum as the basic skills But the curriculum itself is no guarantee because nothing happens if you don't follow it accurately. Therefore it is more important to get actual teachers into the idea of using ICT in their lessons. Increase of using ICT and teacher training can encourage teachers to use ICT in their own lessons.

However, it is more or less premature to paint a rosy outlook on using ICT. In terms of IT devices used in classroom, schools have to spend a lot of money to prepare them for all students’ use. Moreover, according to devices, they are considered to be care regularly with upgrading their own system or maintain its servers to keep a certain degree of quality. In addition, the teachers’ education about ICT would be needed. Bit most important thing is to find and develop ‘appropriate educational contents’ inside the sea of information. Has “the future” started, indeed?

You can learn more about ICT with this YouTube Video clip!

Welcome but somewhat scary Social Media Revolution!
-reviewing the video clip <Social Media Revolution 2011 (2:35)>

This video clip not only let me know about very interesting information about social media but also feel even scary about big power of social media. 

Social Media is about people. Over 50% of the world population is under 30 years old. Social media even impact our offline behavior. Kindergartens are learning on iPads, not chalkboards. In addition, tf Facebook were a country, it would be the world's 3rd largest. But in China, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google are prohibited. IF Wikipedia were made into a book, it would be 2.25 million pages long. and would take you over 123 years to read. Some universities have stopped distributing e-mail accounts. E-Readers have surpassed traditional book sales. Movie-goers buy only 2.5billion in real goods. 93% of marketers use social media for business. How amazing it is!

The most impressive sentence in this video clip is that commented by Erik Qualman: We don't have a choice on whether we do social media. The question is how well we do it.

Most of things are alternated by social media. It is a matter of course that all traditional ways of communication, advertisement, marketing and so one are changing now. And its speed is beyond our imagination!

Social media also has huge influence on English education and is changing our field. The thing is that we need to realize social media’s frighteningly huge influence on us and adapt this environment.

               "Change is bound to be scary to 
        only who don’t want to be changed."


  1. You have remarked on many important aspects of the social media revolution. The two that may make the most difference in the long run are access to internet devices and teacher training. It will become more and more important to provide access to all students so that the socio-economic divide will not become even more pronounced. Regarding teacher training in an ever-changing landscape of the teaching possibilities that internet devices offer, it is probably most important to keep teachers connected to each other so that they may share what they learn and keep each other up to date.

  2. It is sure that use ICT to demonstrate issues can be more interesting and clearer. But some teachers are old-school. They would not consider how to use ICT smartly to improve learning because they just do not use it. Sharing between teachers can help them update the knowledge. It would be great to see ICT be proper used in teaching and learning.

  3. Since we watched the same video"The Future Starts Now", there is something that we can talk about deeply. Thank you for commenting on my post. I do agree with you on the lack of details of how to apply ICT into the classroom effectively. However, what I consider is that there actually is no fixed way. We can choose whatever we think is helpful and motivative. I consider ICT as a medium or a tool. How we use it depends on what goals we want to achieve. Besides, we make decisions according to the students. Maybe we can figure out the way together with our future students. What do you think?
